Here's a side-by-side video comparison of Final Fantasy 14 Online (Shadowbringers) and World of Warcraft (Shadowlands) Raids.
Showing posts sorted by date for query world of warcraft. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query world of warcraft. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Monday, June 21, 2021
Final Fantasy XIV vs World of Warcraft Raids Side-by-Side Comparison
ffxiv vs wow,
final fantasy 14 vs world of warcraft,
raids comparison,
side by side raid comparison

Saturday, January 19, 2019
The Creepiest Thing / Location in World of Warcraft (The Mighty Kraken)
If you own World of Warcraft Battle For Azeroth, the creepiest thing you'll ever find in the game is located at this secret location in Vol'dun, Zandalar (Horde Map).
If you're already at Vol'dun, head over to the northern part of the map, where there's a tiny island nearest to shore.
When you see a group of Jellyfish hanging out in the water, that's the place you have to take a deep dive in!
You will then see a strange looking horn, get closer to it. You don't have to worry about getting drown as you will automatically gain a buff to breath underwater when you enter this area (Heyman's Hideaway).
Once you've interacted with the horn, a gigantic dark figure will appear from beneath the sea. Is the myth of giant creature in the sea true? You'll about to find out.
If you're already at Vol'dun, head over to the northern part of the map, where there's a tiny island nearest to shore.
When you see a group of Jellyfish hanging out in the water, that's the place you have to take a deep dive in!
You will then see a strange looking horn, get closer to it. You don't have to worry about getting drown as you will automatically gain a buff to breath underwater when you enter this area (Heyman's Hideaway).
Once you've interacted with the horn, a gigantic dark figure will appear from beneath the sea. Is the myth of giant creature in the sea true? You'll about to find out.
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wow secret location

Wednesday, January 09, 2019
World of Warcraft Scream of the Century 👾
We were doing the last boss G'huun of Uldir Raid in Battle For Azeroth World of Warcraft Expansion, when suddenly someone in the raid decided to... (Watch the video at 3:09 to find out more)
...yell I Believe! I Believe! giving our raid team a morale boost to down the boss.
warcraft scream of the century,
warcraft yell of the century,
world of warcraft scream of the century,
WOW scream if the century,
WOW yell of the century

Monday, December 31, 2018
World of Warcraft 1-Month Game Time New Year 2019 Giveaway! [CLOSED]
We're giving away a couple of WoW 1-Month Game Time as giveaways this new year! All you have to do is Subscribe to our YouTube channel here and Follow this blog as well as write the comment below saying that you wish to have the game time! Good luck and all the best, we will announce the winners at this page from Jan to May 2019.

2. Put your comment below
Terms and Conditions
Winners will be selected and required to send email to us and we'll send the game time. There will be no reroll, final date to claim is before 31 Dec 2019
2. PhnxCrssBlg
May 17th, 2019
Happy New Year 2019!
1. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here.
Terms and Conditions
Winners will be selected and required to send email to us and we'll send the game time. There will be no reroll, final date to claim is before 31 Dec 2019
WoW 1-Month Game Time Winners List
1. j.kale2. PhnxCrssBlg
Winners Announcement
Mar 13th, 2019May 17th, 2019
Happy New Year 2019!
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wow game time giveaway 2019

Friday, December 28, 2018
WoW Battle for Azeroth Dungeon and Raid Entrance Locations
Thank you for dropping by fellow gamers, if you're looking for a detailed guide on how to get to Dungeons and Raid Entrance Locations in World of Warcraft latest expansion, Battle for Azeroth (BFA), you've come to the right place.
The dungeon and raids difficulty in Battle for Azeroth expansion is pretty challenging as Blizzard is trying to bring back the theme and challenge players similar to what they've done in Vanilla WoW. If you haven't get a copy of Battle for Azeroth yet, you can get one now here or hit the follow button here to stand a chance to win a free copy of Battle for Azeroth WoW expansion as well as free WoW 1 month game time which we will frequently announce on this blog.
All Dungeon and Raid Entrance Locations in WoW Battle for Azeroth
Uldir Raid Entrance Location in WoW Battle for Azeroth
Crucible of Storm Raid Entrance Location in WoW Battle for Azeroth
The dungeon and raids difficulty in Battle for Azeroth expansion is pretty challenging as Blizzard is trying to bring back the theme and challenge players similar to what they've done in Vanilla WoW. If you haven't get a copy of Battle for Azeroth yet, you can get one now here or hit the follow button here to stand a chance to win a free copy of Battle for Azeroth WoW expansion as well as free WoW 1 month game time which we will frequently announce on this blog.
battle for azeroth,
bfa dungeon entrance location,
bfa raid entrance location,
dungeon entrance,
raid entrance,
wow battle for azeroth

Saturday, October 15, 2016
Shadow Priest Top Single Target DPS Guide (WoW Legion PvE Tips)
If you're having issue with single target DPS in Emerald Nightmare raid especially in Mythic progression, here is a tip or two which might help. Sometimes, if you do 200k DPS or less, you may encounter unpleasant experiences such as being replaced, benched or similar situations in World of Warcraft.
This guide will help you to do at least 250k DPS to 300K DPS easily without trying too hard.
1. Talent
Use this talent guide -
Combination of Fortress of Mind and Void Lord Talents will allow you to get in Void Form quickly and after leaving and re-entering Void Form, you'll get Lingering Insanity Haste Buff for 8 seconds.
Since you don't have multi targets to DoT, you will need the above synergy to maximize your single target. Plus Mind Flay and Mind Blast will do 10% more damage with Fortress of Mind talent
2. Rotation and Cooldown
2.1 Opener
a. Mind Blast
b. Shadow Word: Pain
c. Vampiric Touch
d. Shadow Fiend
e. Mind Flay
f. Keep Mind Blast Off Cooldown
2.2 Void Form
When you've hit 100 insanity, cast Void Eruption and priority will be as below:
a. Void Bolt (To renew DoTs)
b. Void Torrent
c. Mind Blast
d. Mind Flay (Filler)
e. Dispersion if your insanity level is low and VB is on cooldow so you can get the last VB cast for maximum Lingering Insanity Stacks (Preferably 38 - 45 stacks)
* Use Power Infusion after you've gained 15 Stacks of Void Form
* Take note the second time you entered Void Form, you will get the Lingering Insanity stacks the Void Lord talent for 8 seconds.
2.3 Surrender to Madness Phase
Cast Surrender to Madness early at around 40% to ramp up your damage, even if you die at the end you will be performing good damage for the raid even at the cost of dying before the boss dies.
Rotation Priorities as below:
a. Void Bolt (To Renew DoT)
b. Shadow Word: Death (1 charge, keep one charge for backup always)
b. Void Torrent
c. Mind Blast
d. Mind Flay (Filler)
e. Dispersion (If your insanity hits below 50% and VB and Shadow Word: Death are on cooldown)
* Use Power Infusion at 40 - 80 Stacks of Void Form depending on the boss HP
shadow priest 300k dps legion,
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shadow priest legion dps tips,
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shadow priest single target,
shadow priest top dps guide

Saturday, October 08, 2016
Important World of Warcraft (Battle for Azeroth) Arena Add-on List
If you're looking for useful add-ons to do PVP arena in World of Warcraft (Battle for Azeroth), below I've illustrated in screenshot each add-ons being used and links provided below.
WoW Legion Arena Add-on List:
WoW Legion Arena Add-on List:

- Dominos - Action Bars - To easily move around abilities on your UI and set keybinding.
- Tidy Plates - To see enemy health bars and what debuff have been applied to them.
- GladiatorLosSA - Will notify you when enemy have used their cooldowns.
- Gladius - To view enemy health bars, trinkets, crowd control and diminishing returns status
- Omnibar - To view enemy interrupts and cooldowns.
- Recount - To view damage and healing done.
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The Waking Madness (Shadow Priest/WW Monk/Resto Shaman) - Strong Arena Comp in WoW Legion
The name "The Waking Madness" is derived from the word Waking which means the awakening of wind walker monk in arena in the new legion expansion. Historically, wind walker monk has only a single comp to run which is The Walking Dead (DK/WW Monk/Healer). The second word Madness, which refers to the new mechanics in World of Warcraft Legion for shadow priests which is insanity (madness) which is a new resource when it's capped to full will grant the shadow priest shadow form (Tentacle Form).
Comp Classes:
Tekkenwlb (Resto Shaman) - Nemesis
Nobetter (Wind Walker Monk) - Eredar
Highzealot (Shadow Priest) - Frostmourne
Comp Strategy:
1. The best healer for this comp will be Resto Shaman, as shadow priest can provide a lot of utilities to save the shaman such as Void Shift (Swap health), Mass Dispel, Vampiric Embrace, Power Word: Shield (Bubble) and also Off heals with Shadow Mend.
2. The Shadow Priest will DoT (Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain) everything up, while the monk will swap to the target with the lowest HP.
3. Before swapping it's best to coordinate chain CC, for example Fist of Fury to stun one target and Psychic Scream (Fear) two players or silence one. Another Cross CC will be Paralysis from the monk and Hex from the shaman on two different targets at the same time.
4. It's best to mind control target that pops offensive cooldowns on your shaman
5. Pre cast Mass Dispel crowd control such as Polymorph or Fear so your shaman can break free.
6. Coordinate Defensive Cooldowns with your shaman and not to overlap it, your team has a lot of defensive cooldown i.e Void Shift to Monk and Touch of Karma, Dispersion, Void Shift Shaman to Save Him, Spirit Link Totem, Vampiric Embrace Heals, Offheals from priest and monk.
7. Keep DoTs (even on pets) to maximize instant mind blast procs and self heals from Vampiric Embrace
8. Pre cast Mass Dispel on Paladin Divine Shield (Bubble) and Mage Ice Block to secure the kill
9. Wind Walker Monk has huge burst potential with Serenity and Touch of Death which is best to use during a cross CC and target swap.
10. Shaman can pop Counterstrike Totem when both enemy pop their offensive cooldowns especially melee classes which usually result in them killing themselves.
Comp Classes:
Tekkenwlb (Resto Shaman) - Nemesis
Nobetter (Wind Walker Monk) - Eredar
Highzealot (Shadow Priest) - Frostmourne
Comp Strategy:
1. The best healer for this comp will be Resto Shaman, as shadow priest can provide a lot of utilities to save the shaman such as Void Shift (Swap health), Mass Dispel, Vampiric Embrace, Power Word: Shield (Bubble) and also Off heals with Shadow Mend.
2. The Shadow Priest will DoT (Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain) everything up, while the monk will swap to the target with the lowest HP.
3. Before swapping it's best to coordinate chain CC, for example Fist of Fury to stun one target and Psychic Scream (Fear) two players or silence one. Another Cross CC will be Paralysis from the monk and Hex from the shaman on two different targets at the same time.
4. It's best to mind control target that pops offensive cooldowns on your shaman
5. Pre cast Mass Dispel crowd control such as Polymorph or Fear so your shaman can break free.
6. Coordinate Defensive Cooldowns with your shaman and not to overlap it, your team has a lot of defensive cooldown i.e Void Shift to Monk and Touch of Karma, Dispersion, Void Shift Shaman to Save Him, Spirit Link Totem, Vampiric Embrace Heals, Offheals from priest and monk.
7. Keep DoTs (even on pets) to maximize instant mind blast procs and self heals from Vampiric Embrace
8. Pre cast Mass Dispel on Paladin Divine Shield (Bubble) and Mage Ice Block to secure the kill
9. Wind Walker Monk has huge burst potential with Serenity and Touch of Death which is best to use during a cross CC and target swap.
10. Shaman can pop Counterstrike Totem when both enemy pop their offensive cooldowns especially melee classes which usually result in them killing themselves.
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Saturday, September 17, 2016
How to Get Legendary Items in WoW Legion
There a few methods to obtain Legendary Items in World of Warcraft Legion and they are completely random and below are the known methods
to get them:
All Legendary Items List
* You DO NOT need to be level 110 in order for a legendary to drop for you - however, you need to be level 110 in order to use it.
- All Dungeon Difficulties (The harder the difficulty, the higher the chances for it to drop)
- Emissary World Quest (Complete 4 World Quest)
- All Treasure Boxes (Including the ones in Dungeons)
- Battleground Boxes (Arena Skirmish Boxes do not count)
All Legendary Items List
* You DO NOT need to be level 110 in order for a legendary to drop for you - however, you need to be level 110 in order to use it.

Thursday, September 01, 2016
How to Tame New WoW Legion Spirit Beast - Bulvinkel (Moose)
Bulvinkel is the new Spirit Beast introduced in World of Warcraft Legion Expansion.
Location: Stormheim (Behind Halls of Valor Dungeon near the cliff)
Coordinates: 73.85, 84.24
Spawn time: 4 and 8 hours
More info:
bulvinkel location,
legion spirit beast,
moose spirit beast,
new spirit beast,
tame bulvinkel

Thursday, June 09, 2016
Warcraft Movie Exclusive Free Redemption Code Giveaway! [CLOSED]
Since Blizzard's tweet that contained four Warcraft Movie Inspired items, we're giving away the Warcraft Movie Exclusive Redemption Code here at Joe Iz Gaming YouTube Channel.
All you have to do is to be Subscribed to the channel and leave a comment on the giveaway video.
There's a French website Kinepolis and confirmed that whoever that redeems will receive 4 transmogrification (cosmetic) items inspired by the film, as well as a code that grants access to all World of Warcraft expansion up to Warlords of Draenor plus a month of free subscription.
Here's the translated message, courtesy of kenanthepro:
"Kinepolis informs us that completing a transaction on their site, and until May 24 , you will receive a unique code that will get you 4 transmogrifications inspired by the film. In addition to that, the code will also grant World of Warcraft and all extensions up to Warlords of Draenor, all with a month of free subscription."
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