
Friday, March 04, 2016

Kinessa The Sniper's Guide - Paladins

This article contains Kinessa The Sniper's Guide which includes abilities, decks and play-style tips. Patience and positioning are the keys while playing Kinessa and you will have to anticipate your actions ahead of time.



Need to get close and personal, use this laser rifle which fires rapid shot to your enemies.


Get into your sniper scope to fire long range attacks, while scoped, the yellow bars will increase to allow you to do your biggest damage.


You will have 2 mines at your disposal, one is recommended to be used defensively near your transporter and another to be used offensively to slow enemies that you're shooting.


Kinessa's only escape ability, you don't have speed boost or dash ability which will require you to plan ahead your escape route when enemies spotted your position.


For 5 seconds, successful shots made to the upper half of enemy character (headshot) will deal 100% increased damage. There will be yellow targets with skull icons appearing within your sniper scope.


Your primary upgrade for Champion Deck will be Quick Scope which reduces the time your scope in and out significantly, followed by Steady allows you to deal increased damage when standing still. Feel free to choose the rest of the upgrades once these talents reached maxed. If you're getting constant ambush do at least take one point of Beam Me Up which reduces your time teleporting. Lie in Wait will regenerate your health much faster while standing still and Reconfigure will reduces Damage Over Time (DoT) damage (such as Poison) after teleporting.

As for Common Deck, feel free to choose any of them as they will be a minor upgrade for your character.


  • Find a hidden position and place your transporter nearby (for escape) and a mine nearby (to slow your ambushing enemies)
  • Use scope and wait until the yellow charge to get full before firing a shot
  • Throw mines when you anticipate that someone will walk to that area
  • Throw a mine at a moving target to slow them down so you can get a clean shot
  • If you're being hit head for cover and teleport immediately
  • Stand still behind a cover to regenerate your health
  • Don't forget to place back your transporter after use
  • When you have a clear opportunity shot, use Headhunter and aim for enemies upper body parts.
  • Reload when there's no enemies on sight or while cover
  • Always stay at max range and patience is the key

Hope this guide helps, if you have any feedback or comments, feel free to leave them below. Until next time, peace out.

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